become sick 意味

  • 病気になる、発病{はつびょう}する、具合{ぐあい}[気分{きぶん}]が悪くなる、(悪い食べ物に)あたる、嫌になる、嫌気がさす


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. i got sick ... become sick it is a past tense became
    〈病気になった... become sick いや過去形だ became〉
  2. i got sick ... become sick it is a past tense became
    〈病気になった... become sick いや過去形だ became〉
  3. i got sick ... become sick it is a past tense became
    〈病気になった... become sick いや過去形だ became〉
  4. i got sick ... become sick it is a past tense became
    〈病気になった... become sick いや過去形だ became〉
  5. i got sick ... become sick it is a past tense became
    〈病気になった... become sick いや過去形だ became〉


        become sick of life:    浮世{うきよ}が嫌になる、世の中が嫌になる
        sick:     1sick n. 病人. 【動詞+】 heal the sick 病人を治す nurse the sick 病人を看護する serve the sick in a hospital 病院で病人に付き添う She tended the sick carefully. 彼女は病人を手厚く看護した watch over the sic
        sick of:    sick of 飽き飽き 厭き厭き あきあき
        to be sick of:    to be sick of 嫌気が差す いやけがさす
        become:     become v. (…に)なる; 似合う. 【副詞1】 He will eventually become a statesman. 結局は政治家になるだろう It would ill become you to criticize him after having made the same mistake yourself. 君自身が同じ過ちをしたあとで彼を批
        become of:    ~はどうなるのか◆【用法】what, whatever を主語として What will become of the earth? 地球はどうなってゆくのだろう。
        to become:    to become 赴く おもむく 似合う にあう 来る くる 似付く につく 成り変わる なりかわる 成る なる
        administer to the sick:    病人{びょうにん}のためにつくす
        air sick:    air sick エアシック
        anointing of the sick:    病人{びょうにん}の塗油{とゆ}、《カトリック》終油{しゅうゆ}の秘跡{ひせき}
        as sick as a dog:    ひどく気分{きぶん}が悪い Betty came into the office this morning (as) sick as a dog, so we sent her home. ベティは今朝ひどく気持ち悪そうに会社に来たため、私たちは彼女を家まで送った。
        as sick as a parrot:    ひどく不調で
        be off sick with:     be óff síck with O 〈病気など〉で欠勤している.
        be sick with worry:     be síck with wórry ((略式))とても心配している.
        be worried sick:     be wórried síck Click...


  1. "become shackles crippling economic progress" 意味
  2. "become short of breath" 意味
  3. "become short to one's trading capacity" 意味
  4. "become showier" 意味
  5. "become shut up within oneself" 意味
  6. "become sick of life" 意味
  7. "become sightless" 意味
  8. "become silent" 意味
  9. "become single-minded in one's efforts to" 意味
  10. "become showier" 意味
  11. "become shut up within oneself" 意味
  12. "become sick of life" 意味
  13. "become sightless" 意味

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