i got sick ... become sick it is a past tense became 〈病気になった... become sick いや過去形だ became〉
i got sick ... become sick it is a past tense became 〈病気になった... become sick いや過去形だ became〉
i got sick ... become sick it is a past tense became 〈病気になった... become sick いや過去形だ became〉
i got sick ... become sick it is a past tense became 〈病気になった... become sick いや過去形だ became〉
i got sick ... become sick it is a past tense became 〈病気になった... become sick いや過去形だ became〉
become sick of life: 浮世{うきよ}が嫌になる、世の中が嫌になる sick: 1sick n. 病人. 【動詞+】 heal the sick 病人を治す nurse the sick 病人を看護する serve the sick in a hospital 病院で病人に付き添う She tended the sick carefully. 彼女は病人を手厚く看護した watch over the sicsick of: sick of 飽き飽き 厭き厭き あきあき to be sick of: to be sick of 嫌気が差す いやけがさす become: become v. (…に)なる; 似合う. 【副詞1】 He will eventually become a statesman. 結局は政治家になるだろう It would ill become you to criticize him after having made the same mistake yourself. 君自身が同じ過ちをしたあとで彼を批become of: ~はどうなるのか◆【用法】what, whatever を主語として What will become of the earth? 地球はどうなってゆくのだろう。 to become: to become 赴く おもむく 似合う にあう 来る くる 似付く につく 成り変わる なりかわる 成る なる administer to the sick: 病人{びょうにん}のためにつくす air sick: air sick エアシック anointing of the sick: 病人{びょうにん}の塗油{とゆ}、《カトリック》終油{しゅうゆ}の秘跡{ひせき} as sick as a dog: ひどく気分{きぶん}が悪い Betty came into the office this morning (as) sick as a dog, so we sent her home. ベティは今朝ひどく気持ち悪そうに会社に来たため、私たちは彼女を家まで送った。 as sick as a parrot: ひどく不調で be off sick with: be óff síck with O 〈病気など〉で欠勤している. be sick with worry: be síck with wórry ((略式))とても心配している. be worried sick: be wórried síck Click...